Thursday 26 July 2007

The joy of personal MP3 players

"He's a smooth operator," sang Sade through the earphones of my iPod Nano. I sauntered round the supermarket section of my local Marks and Spencer with a spring in my step. And I couldn't help but agree with her. There I was, a man in the prime of his life, making firm decisions about this week's grocery purchases. A smooth operator indeed.

"Coast to coast, L.A. to Chicago," went the refrain. The perfect soundtrack to a six-pack of Southern style chicken pieces going bish-bash-bosh into the old handbasket.

There's probably nothing I like better than grooving around town with my little iPod pumping out a pre-arranged selection of my favourite tunes. I've been spotted in the office recently, usually with a playful jostle from "Bossman" Clive, tapping my fingers on the desk to the latest Keane release. I've indulged in a moment of sincere reflection in the Carphone Warehouse as Coldplay soothe my ears with their delicate melodies and philosophical lyrics.

They advertise personal MP3 players for their ability to provide your life with a soundtrack. But above all, I find their greatest asset is something else. It's their ability to cut you off from other people! Block out all the bloody noise. For example, I got home from work yesterday and young William was asking me something or other - can't remember what. Anyway, he clearly didn't realise that his old man had just been through a long day at the office and simply wanted a bit of peace to himself. Then I came up with the ideal solution. Rather than tell Andrew to go away (and thus risk rumours being spread round St James' Primary School of my shoddy parenting) I simply popped my white earphones into my ears and cranked up the volume. Then I could recline with my eyes shut into my own little world. Pure magic.

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