Thursday 17 May 2007

Fingerless leather driving gloves

Hi there chaps and chapesses,

Does anybody else have those moments where you're about to buy something, and then just before you decide against it, a little voice pops into your head and whispers "Go on - treat yourself".

I like to call them TYS moments. TYS: Treat Yourself. I usually find that only minutes after I hear those words in my head, I'm at the checkout completing the sale.

Take yesterday, for example. I was killing some time after work in my local Debenhams, when I spied a rather natty pair of fingerless leather driving gloves. Now, I have to admit to already having a pair. I find that not only do they make me look the business, they are also scientifically proven to improve manual traction and thus reduce the chance of accidents caused by steering wheel slippage.

But my pair at home were of a slightly faded tan colour, whereas these were a handsome black. "Don't be stupid," I thought to myself. "You don't need two pairs of driving gloves. I mean who sees you driving the car?"

"You do," I answered myself firmly and confidently. I picked up the gloves and checked out the quality of the leather. A lesser brand might perish slightly with time (especially the amount I drive!), but you can always trust Debenhams. And that's when the "TYS" gremlin kicked into action. I always enjoy the innocently naughty feeling it gives me to purchase something I don't really need. And I can't help feeling slightly cocky when I hand over my Visa credit card to the cashier and punch my digits into the old chip and pin.

Anyway, within a matter of moments, I was back in the Mondeo, gloves akimbo, gently pressing down on the accelerator and slipping into fifth, as Mark Knopfler provided the ideal soundtrack : Money For Nothing.

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