Monday 7 May 2007

My recent shopping expedition to Crawley

I woke up the other day with a powerful desire to consume products. So, after a quick bowl of Kelloggs All-Bran, I got in the Mondeo and made my way down the A23 to County Mall Crawley. Upon arrival, I picked up a nice sky blue shirt from Topman, and a rather tasteful grey lambswool sweater from Marks and Sparks. After consuming a medium Americano, I popped into Dixons to peruse the latest electrical commodities. And I have to say, I was rather impressed by their selection of HDTV home cinema products. Eventually, I decided to postpone this purchase until after I'd done some proper research. I tamed my hunger for merchandise with a new USB mass storage device (the old one was looking a bit shabby), and followed it up with a new pack of TDK CD-Rs. Top banana.

I strode out of that mall with a good four or five bags of brand new gear. And was Margaret happy for me? Was she heck! Apparently a man needs to ask his wife when he can spend his own money these days. Political correctness gone mad.

Anyway, I shrugged off her talk of domesticities and made my way to my study, where I promptly donned the new shirt, tucked it into my cream chinos and spent a good few minutes admiring the handsome man in the mirror. Mission accomplished.

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